Membership in the Society is open to any person of Scottish ancestry or who believes themselves to be of

Scottish ancestry, bears the surname of Thom(p)son, however spelled, or has Thom(p)son ancestors, and for the spouse and descendants of such a person. In keeping with Scottish traditions, any others who wish to support the Society’s efforts through their association with us are welcome to join as full members. Clan Thompson International, Inc. was awarded arms by Lord Lyon in 2012, representing Thoms worldwide.


Last_________________________First___________________ MI ____  Nickname____________________

Street______________________________ City/Town _____________________ State/Prov _____________

Country_____ Post Code/ZIP _______ Phone #______________ Email_______________________________

Birth date (M/D/YR) __/__/_____  

Spouse/Partner   Last ________________________ First___________________ Birth (M/D/YR) __/__/____

Signature: _____________________________________   Date: _______________________

Print, complete and mail your membership application to:                 Membership Secretary

                                                                                                           Ms. Sherry Anderson

   Please make checks payable to                                                          256 Bee Gum Trail

          Clan Thompson Society                                                           Marshall, NC 28753


General Annual Membership:

__ Single

- $30.00        or

__ Couple

- $50.00

Senior Annual Membership (65+):

__ Single

- $25.00        or

__ Couple

- $40.00

Lifetime Membership:

__ Single

- $160.00      or

__ Couple

- $300.00

Variant Spellings:  Thomson, Thomas, Thom, Thomason, Tam, Tameson, Tamesone, Tamson, Tamsone, Taus, Taweson, Tawis, Taws, Tawse, Tawseon, Taweson, Tawsom. Tawst. Tawus, Thomasson, Thomassone, Thomassoun, Thomessone, Thome, Thompsand, Thompsane, Thompsant, Thompsen, Thompsend, Thompsent, Thompsind, Thompsint, Thompson, Thompstolm, Thompstom, Thompstomb, Thompstombe, Thompstome, Thompston, Thompstone, Thompstoom, Thompstoomb, Thompstown, Thompstom, Thompstume, Thompsyn, Thompsynd, Thomeson, Thomsone, Thomsoun, Thomsoune, Thomsson, Tomsane, Tompsant, Tompsen, Tompsend, Tompsent, Tompsind, Tompsint, Tompson, Tompstolm, Tompstom, Tompstomb, Tompstombe, Tompstome, Tompston, Tompstone, Tompstoom, Tompstoomb, Tompstoombe, Tompstown, Tompstum, Tomson, Tomsone, Tompstume, Tompsyn, Tompsynd, Thomasin, Thomassin. Etc.

Clan Thom(p)son Society

Clan Thompson International, Inc.

 Membership Application     

© 2007-2014 Clan Thompson